Sunday, April 26, 2015

And now, another episode of. . ."Birthday Similes!" aka "B-Day Be Like. . ."

Birthdays are like attempted suicides. Just one lonely person getting a little closer to death.

Birthdays are like funerals. It’s supposed to be about you, but it’s really all about the partygoers and how their day is going.  

Birthdays are like road trips. You pass a few important milestones, and then you’re like, “fuck it, let’s just wing it from here on out.”    

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Birthdays are like ghosts. They come out once a year and remind you of your mortality.*

Birthdays are like poops. When you’re a kid they’re an accomplishment, when you’re an adult they’re just routine.

Birthdays are like séances.  Lots of candles, and always one annoying bitch gets possessed by the spirit and tries to surprise you by jumping up and screaming.  

*Ghosts can enter the world of the living only on Halloween. Ooooooh.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The UNIVERSE is probably shaped like a donut. Just saying.

(A 3D circle of life. So beautiful in so many ways. *sigh*)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

A: To be frank, I hate seagulls. They are the most disgusting, vulturous animal I can think of. At the beach once, a seagull flew right by my face and took an entire sandwich from my hand.

Frank: How dare you! I would never say that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Is it just me, or do you see "penis" every time you see the word "panini?" Like, they're not really spelled the same, but I feel like "penis" should be spelled "panini." That seems nice and pleasant.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

On Fitting In

I saw a tan lizard scurrying up a tan wall and I was all, "Is that lizard the exact shade of the wall, or can he change color to blend in? Does he belong there or is he trying to hide so he can get away? Is he happy there or does he wish he was green on a leaf or like pink on a flower or something?"

And it was all, like, a real life metaphor for me, or whatever.

Monday, April 20, 2015

A word used ubiquitously (my word of the day) but not often used correctly, today I felt truly AWKWARD: 

Try holding, and making silly faces at, a baby, while having an entirely cold-war-style fight (no blows, just boiling blood) with the mother. (Someone else handed her to me.) 

Let's just say, eye contact was avoided. 

(Awk city, bitch. Awk, awk, city bitch. . .)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

I am a consumer in every sense of the word. My three favorite activities of all time and space are. . .

1. consuming food
2. consuming entertainment
3. consuming, like at the mall (or TJ Maxxxx) (idk how many fucking x's are there?)

The Dr. Jekyllll (really how many letters does a person need at the end of their name?! Jk though, letters are coooool. . .)

So, the Dr. Jekylll to my Hungry Hyde is my "creativity." I use this word in quotes because its existence inside my mind is questionable.

This is the person I want to be in my "good" brain. The creator. The worker bee. Building my artistic empire from the ground up with only my wits and the dirt I find (and lots of other resources like education, family support. . .)

But. The problem is Hungry Hyde. He only wants to eat in bed and binge watch TV on netflix.

(Moral: It's not my fault, I'm really just a complex, split personality individual with good intentions and no will power. But, with the help of a quick trip to Marshall's to find something on clearance, a frozen pizza and a good movie, I can again remember the unstoppable god that I am.)  

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Angst Much?

My life is lame. And hollow and slack
Got a witch at my door and a wolf on my back
a dagger in my heart and an itch in my soul
The devil’s bridge is ahead

and I don’t have the toll.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Inspiration is only the beginning. . .

of a period of false contentment in one's life followed swiftly by a downward spiral of self-hate into a hole of despair.

Happy Friday :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

On Cool

Today the thought crossed my mind, without carrying much weight because I made sure to use a really sarcastic tone in my thought-voice, "my life is in shambles, and I don't have any accomplishments at all..."

Then, this thought came, unbidden, directly behind: "at least I'm cool."


I based this conclusion on the awesome song I was listening to, the marginally creative car-dance moves I had going, (I really mixed up the beating on the steering wheel gamut,) and my outfit that I proudly threw together in 2 seconds. (Really, A, you didn't invent cutoffs, get over yourself.)

The problem here, friends, is that at almost 23, I must step back and wonder if the concept of "cool" holds any value, if being "cool" gives ME any value, if "cool" is real, as it is based on nothing and entirely subjective...

"Yes!" My emotional inner soul cries, "Cool is real. You can't see it, but you can FEEL it." It's that beautiful in-between. Not what you are naturally, not what you choose to do with it--cool is HOW you do it. And for some people, it is natural, and for some people it is a choice, but it's all a non substance, not the real thing, not the real point of it all, just decorating the fringe like. . . colorful fringe. . . 

But I have to believe that it holds substance! It's the mise en scene! It's the mojo! If Austin Powers can fight for it than so can I!

And quite frankly, it is all I have right now: my youth and a modicum of style. So if I must make something out of nothing, so be it. 

I'll let my style hold up who I am for now. I will be the most awesome skeleton there ever was. All sexy bones and no meat, blood, heart or soul. . .and maybe someday, my pursuit of the empty will become full, as some freak side effect perhaps, because I sure don't have a plan, and I'll inadvertently accomplish something and hopefully realize I had been flesh all along. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Some days, my heart feels like a donut being stuffed with cream on cream on cream on cream. So much cream that I'm worried it might explode like a cream-filled zombie being slaughtered by a zombie hunter with the most effective method of extermination found through years of experience zombie hunting: overcooking in a giant zombie-sized microwave.

But it never does. (Explode.) The cream just layers in like fossils, smushing them into dense hard-packed angry layers of crunchy cream like too many similes stacked on top of one another.

All I want to do is punch a hole in my donut-heart's powdery fucking face.

All donuts should have holes.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

I write deep poetry.

This is called. . ."Now and Later"

Staring into the abyss I decided
may as well have nothing now and nothing
later, when the alternative is
nothing at all.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hi. My name is A and I am a basic bitch.

(Hello, A)

It all started, when I heard Siri say, "starting route to Starbucks. . ."

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Bitches be trippin
My patience be slippin
Imma be rippin
Someone a new asshole

Friday, April 10, 2015

B: Fuck the haters!
A: No, they don't deserve our love.

B: This room is so cool!
A: I know it's fucking freezing.

B: This car is the bomb.
A: B, run!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Praise the D! (by which I mean donut)

Donuts are the holiest of all bakery items. Because they have holes in them.

Do-nut be a square! Because donuts are circles.

Also, do-nut be a loser, because donuts are winners! (sponsored by Donuts for Hole-some Living)

Piece out! (the piece in the middle)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I wrote a six word story!

At night I eat in bed.

Bonus six word stories:

Handicapped cat (missing soul) seeks home.

Lost: scrub. If found, never return!

(A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly, and is also known as a buster. . .)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

B Helps Me Not Be Eaten by Adult World:  

B: A, your really need to stop letting people tell you what to do. Make me a smoothie, would you?

A: Sure, B.

B: As I was saying, you really need to find your voice. Figure out what you want and then stand up and say it, loud and proud!

A: Well, I’ve been thinking—

B: Also, stop being a doormat.

A: I was welcoming you into my house.

B: And try not to let people condescend to you, do you think you can manage that cupcake?

A: That’s good advice. . .

B: Stop listening to other people and start listening to the Y.O.U!

A: Okay. I mean no, wait—if I listen to that advice, I’m simultaneously not taking that advice. In fact, that advice is actually impossible to follow because it dictates that you don’t follow advice . . . right?

B: Yes, yes dear. And make sure you command your audience; speak clearly and forcefully, and make other people listen to you when you speak.

A: Erm. . . ermmmkayyyuuuh. . . 

B: And don’t care what anybody thinks.

A: Not sure if I can entirely control how I feel, I could probably pretend that I don’t care like most people. . .

B: But make sure everybody loves you.

A: Not sure if I can control that either. . .

B: And don’t be an idiot, everybody hates that.

A: I’ll try?

B: Alright, I’ve got to run. Text me later.

A: Wait, so I shouldn’t text you because I’m not being subservient anymore?

B: Fucking text me, you idiot! What do you want, no friends?

A: (to herself) I am very confused about life. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

That awkward moment when a has-been candy bar takes a bold stab at the future with an expose-your-nuts punning commercial and confuses and disgusts everyone.

Consider the idiocy of the world lamented. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Once upon a time, in magical Easter Land,
There was a chick named Bunny in an Easter punk rock band.
Bunny wanted to be a rabbit, and though she was not,
She sometimes dressed like a Playboy Bunny, and looked super hot.  
(The equivalent mag for women is Playgirl by name,
But dudes don’t dress as bunnies, and that shit is lame.)

One night Bunny donned her ears and fluffy little tail,
She went onstage to rock, and heard a ruckus and a wail,
All the rabbits freaked for this hard-rock Bunny chick,
She blew up the club, the country, then the universe like a rocket,
Fucking quick.

Happy Fucking Easter


Saturday, April 4, 2015

The other day, I saw a man wearing Serial Killer Glasses. He helped me not hit a car when I was backing out of a parking spot, by giving me those little “keep coming” hand waves and thumbs up and stuff.

As I drove away, I gave him a merry little wave.  How wrong of me, I thought, to judge this harmless man by his glasses. I knew that by waving to him I had done a good deed: I had alleviated some of the prejudice that still exists in America against Serial Killer-looking people.

Later that night, as sense of terror rushed over me. I realized that the reason I thought “Serial Killer Glasses” is because he had the same glasses as the serial killer on American Horror Story. I thought, WOW. WOW, America. Good job.

I would have never been able to spot him, otherwise. . .  

In the words of the great composer Tim Minchin, “All I know, I learned from Telly.”
Thanks, Telly.

A and Associates would like to thank American Entertainment for helping us identify dangerous men, through the education of modern entertainment: including, but not limited to, men in wife beaters, men in beanies when it isn't cold outside, men with bad teeth, men with accents (excluding British) and all ugly men.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Let’s talk about clowns. . .

What could be more attractive than a man who hides behind a caricature and sacrifices his dignity and pride for nothing nobler than cheap entertainment?

. . . I also have a thing for big feet.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I like to make lists so I can
A. Categorize myself
B. figure out who I am
C. be an individual with opinions
D. not be a blank slate
E. Seriously, who the fuck am I?

(What are we really but a bundle of likes and dislikes, choices and life systems based on initial attractions and repulsions?)

Let’s begin!

1. donuts
2. dogs
3. dudes (haha jk, I meant ATTRACTIVE MEN DRESSED AS CLOWNS)
4. dinosaurs (not trying to D alliterate everything right now, but I actually do like dinosaurs)
5. tinted lip balm that offers real moisture, just a hint of color, and actually smells and tastes nice (not easy to find my friends, not easy to find. Same with the hot clowns. . . )
6. sleeping

1. dicks 

I must post a post posthaste!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My World

Today I paused
to look at Mother
Earth and her wonders. I saw
the Sun stretch
his fingers across the Clouds
and the Clouds
carried his colors across the sky.  I saw
an endless dome curving
above my head, sinking
into a darkly hued arc of
possibility in pinpricked Space
where the Universe’s light came
peeking out to shine on my blessed
bent head, while the fragrance
of the Earth and her blooms
swelled up to breeze
across my face. I knew   
these spectrums and glows,
spaces and breaths,
were mine.

April Fools!