I am a consumer in every sense of the word. My three favorite activities of all time and space are. . .
1. consuming food
2. consuming entertainment
3. consuming, like at the mall (or TJ Maxxxx) (idk how many fucking x's are there?)
The Dr. Jekyllll (really how many letters does a person need at the end of their name?! Jk though, letters are coooool. . .)
So, the Dr. Jekylll to my Hungry Hyde is my "creativity." I use this word in quotes because its existence inside my mind is questionable.
This is the person I want to be in my "good" brain. The creator. The worker bee. Building my artistic empire from the ground up with only my wits and the dirt I find (and lots of other resources like education, family support. . .)
But. The problem is Hungry Hyde. He only wants to eat in bed and binge watch TV on netflix.
(Moral: It's not my fault, I'm really just a complex, split personality individual with good intentions and no will power. But, with the help of a quick trip to Marshall's to find something on clearance, a frozen pizza and a good movie, I can again remember the unstoppable god that I am.)
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